In occasione del quinto compleanno di PS4, alcuni sviluppatori hanno stilato un loro personale podio sui 3 migliori giochi usciti per la console, in base ovviamente ai gusti personali. Gli sviluppatori in questione appartengono a note software houses come Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Bend, Guerrilla Games, Insomniac Games e altre.
John Garvin, creative director Bend Studio (Days Gone)
- Uncharted 4: Fine di un ladro
- God of War
- Red Dead Redemption 2
Angie Smets, executive producer Guerrilla Games (Horizon Zero Dawn)
- The Last of Us Remastered
- Inside
- Rayman Legends
Hermen Hulst, managing director Guerrilla Games (Horizon Zero Dawn)
- God of War
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Inside
Bryan Intihar, creative director Insomniac Games (Spider-Man)
- God of War
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Destiny
Siobhan Reddy, studio director Media Molecule (Dreams)
- Resident Evil 7
- Dark Souls 3
- The Flame in the Flood
Neil Druckmann, vice president Naughty Dog (The Last of Us Part 2)
- God of War
- Bloodborne
- Resident Evil 7
Anthony Newman, co-game director Naughty Dog (The Last of Us Part 2)
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- God of War
- N++
Kurt Margenau, co-game director Naughty Dog (The Last of Us Part 2)
- God of War
- Rocket League
- Inside
Cory Barlog, creative director Santa Monica Studio (God of War)
- Uncharted 4: Fine di un ladro
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Spider-Man
Scott Rohde, SVP of product development Worldwide Studios America
- InFamous: Second Son
- Uncharted 4: Fine di un ladro
- God of War
Shawn Layden, chairman of Worldwide Studios
- Astro Bot Rescue Mission
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- God of War
Shuhei Yoshida, president of Worldwide Studios
- Bloodborne
- God of War
- VR Worlds: Ocean Descent
Jason Connell, art director Sucker Punch Productions (InFamous: Second Son)
- Bloodborne
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Shadow of the Colossus
Nate Fox, creative director Sucker Punch Productions (InFamous: Second Son)
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- God of War
- VR Worlds: Ocean Descent
Scott Taylor, production director Bungie (Destiny 2)
- Batman: Arkham Knight
- Journey
- Destiny 2: I rinnegati
Lars Bakken, design lead Bungie (Destiny 2)
- Bloodborne
- God of War
- Until Dawn
Naoki Yoshida, producer & director Square Enix
- Monster Hunter: World
- Spider-Man
- Fortnite
Sebastian Kalemba, head of animation CD Projekt RED (Cyberpunk 2077)
- God of War
- Wolfenstein II: The new colossus
- Titanfall 2
Rami Ismail, Vlambeer (Nuclear Throne)
- NieR: Automata
- Destiny 2
- God of War
Steve Filby, Motion Twin (Dead Cells)
- The Last of Us
- Bloodborne
- Horizon Zero Dawn
Derek Yu, Mossmouth (Spelunky 2)
- Bloodborne
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Spider-Man
Tim Schafer, Double Fine (Broken Age)
- Loot Rascals
- The Last Guardian
- La Terra di Mezzo: L’Ombra di Mordor
Greg Kasavin, Supergiant Games (Pyre)
- Bloodborne
- NieR: Automata
- Uncharted 4: Fine di un ladro